Not Abandoned

A New Spark in Her Eyes

February 17, 2020
Thai woman close up

A Spark Has Returned to Aor

Aor is one of those women that you meet and immediately can see how special she is. She’s also one of those women that hasn’t always seen the good qualities in her own self but doesn’t have a problem seeing it in others. She’s a welcoming warmth to those around her. When new students walk through our doors for the first time, Aor can often been found ushering them in with a sweet smile and an offer of food from the kitchen. She’s that dear friend that you just want to take by the shoulders and shake because you see all their potential bottled up inside and you just can’t wait any longer for it to come out.

Well, it’s now coming out, and we couldn’t be prouder of her. Aor has been a student at our Employment Education Center for nearing 3 years now. Our team has had the absolute pleasure of working with her patiently as her confidence slowly increases. She’s quick to learn anything new you place in front of her but has carried doubts out of a belief that her formal experience and education is lacking. Our staff however describe Aor as "highly intelligent and naturally artistic."

Last week we got to witness a whole new stage n Aor’s growth. She recently accepted a job with Heidi Hull Designs through our Employment Education Center partnership. Even more so, our staff recently identified Aor as the best candidate to be trained as the lead trainer for this partnership. Heidi Hull Designs is a boutique wedding accessories business so this means that Aor will be in charge of primarily learning the construction of the designs for all accessories that are to be manufactured, training the other employees, and checking on the quality of the productions alongside our other staff.

We are thrilled to see Aor’s sweet leadership style come to rise, but we are even more thrilled to see such a spark of joy and confidence in her eyes these days. She says that she really enjoys working with this job and specifically that working with her hands in these artistic projects are even helping her to fall asleep at night.

We are so proud of you Aor! We are proud of your continual hard work and growth, and we so love having you as part of our community!
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