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This is where our Spain team meet her on the streets— hungry, sick, and very much alone, aside from her beloved young daughter. Overwhelmed by the care she was receiving from our team she asked, “Why do you treat me as if I was an important person?” To this question she was reassured with words of unconditional love, non-judgmental care, and embracing community. Our team matched their compassion with practical support and found her a healthy job so she could safely provide for her and her daughter. But then Adilah disappeared...
Like a nightmare, Adilah’s husband located her. In retribution for her leaving him and the shame of Adilah being forced into the sex industry, he poured gasoline over her and lit a match. Once our team was able to find Adilah, they discovered that she had been burned over 60% of her body.
But, this is where radical hope comes in.
Today, Adilah and her daughter are both safe in the care of our team and recovering from the immense physical and psychological trauma. Because she now has a team of advocates supporting her, her husband has been arrested and she is receiving legal and financial support for her recovery. Most importantly, because of the trusted relationships she’s formed with the Freedom Center’s team, Adilah is not restarting from scratch. She is restarting with a foundation of hope. Our commitment to Adilah is the same as it is to all the others— to not abandon her.
Adilah is just one story of many. Each life and journey are different, but there is the common and tragic reality of exploitation. However, what if what these women had in common wasn’t something awful? What if what bonded them was a hope for a free future?
Double Your Impact
This December, you can support Not Abandoned and double the impact of your gift by joining the Total Freedom $250,000 Year-End Matching Challenge. So far, over $140,000 has already been raised-- an incredible 57% of the way to our goal! We have ten days remaining in this matching challenge. Don't miss out on this opportunity to change a woman's destiny!
Gifts made in response to the Total Freedom Challenge will support the priority needs of Not Abandoned to provide resources and support to thousands of women and youth from a life of exploitation. Join us today and double the impact of your gift before the end of the year. Give the gift of Total Freedom.
What Your Support Empowers
Not Abandoned is raising funds to empower women who have been exploited as well as to prevent others from being exploited. We provide tools, resources, support, and care for a woman to regain and maintain freedom through our Freedom Centers in Thailand and Spain. We hold the deep conviction that no matter how messy, complex, and slow her recovery process is, she can and will come to know she is not abandoned. Not Abandoned endeavors to help empower the most vulnerable through steady support, trauma-informed care, and practical training opportunities they can live a life of physical, emotional freedom and purpose.
Extend Your Impact
Did you know that in addition to this one-time matching opportunity, that Not Abandoned is also eligible for employee matching programs? Many major employers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, Expedia, and more will match your gift dollar for dollar. Check with your employer today and feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Not Abandoned is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which means that all your financial contributions are also tax-deductible.
The Empower Training is hosted by
Not Abandoned, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
EIN # 91-1470478
PO Box 3263
Kirkland, WA 98083, USA