Our new base in Spain has officially launched! With the new base in Spain, our 5-part PEERS model of holistic care for exploited women is now being duplicated in Algeciras, Spain with a new Freedom Center to offer exploitation prevention and recovery programs to women. As of today, the first classes at this new center have begun with over 100 women (and 20 men) are signed up for this new center's programs, with even more on a waiting list!
The Location
Algeciras, Spain (pronounced, al·huh·see·ruhz) is located near the southern most tip of Spain, just across the bay from the Rock of Gibraltar. On a clear day here you can see straight over to Morocco from this large port city heavily populated by new immigrants and migrants. (See map image below)
The Team
Nora and Minerva (image below) have been faithfully working with vulnerable women for many years. They bring their own unique background and skills, but share an undying passion to reach, support, and empower women with both practical resources and holistic health. We are thrilled for you to get to know them both more personally in the next coming months.
The Empower Training is hosted by
Not Abandoned, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
EIN # 91-1470478
PO Box 3263
Kirkland, WA 98083, USA